S Grünau S Frohnau / S+U Pankow
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Bornholmer Straße <> Schönholz
24.03. (Mon), approx. 4 a.m. to 28.03. (Fri), approx. 1.30 a.m.- Train service amended:
- Diversion of the S1 between Bornholmer Straße <> Hohen Neuendorf via Pankow, Blankenburg and Schönfließ
- S-Bahn-shuttel service:
- Bornholmer Straße <> Schönholz
- Timetable change
- Platform change
- Please use the timetable information before starting your journey.
Bornholmer Straße <> Schönholz
24.03. (Mon), approx. 4 a.m. to 28.03. (Fri), approx. 1.30 a.m.- Train service amended:
- Diversion of the S1 between Bornholmer Straße <> Hohen Neuendorf via Pankow, Blankenburg and Schönfließ
- S-Bahn-shuttel service:
- Bornholmer Straße <> Schönholz
- Timetable change
- Platform change
- Please use the timetable information before starting your journey.