Route Maps

Current route maps of suburban and underground trains, regional trains and trams.

The S-Bahn Berlin is part of the Berlin-Brandenburg public transport system (VBB)

The current route network

Current VBB-Route-Network: Berlin ABC, publisher BVG/S-Bahn/VBB (valid from 10.12.2023)

All information without guarantee.
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Timetables by line

From S1 to S9 - here you can download all S-Bahn Berlin timetables sorted by line.


Fare Zones

Fare zones A, B and C make it easy to find the correct ticket for Berlin and the surrounding region. Find information on various tickets and where they apply.

Emblem of the Verkehrsverbund Berlin Brandenburg

The VBB-Fare Explained

Learn interesting facts about the VBB fare and its benefits.