
S Teltow Stadt S Blankenburg

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Teltow Stadt <> Südende
14.02. (Fri), approx. 10 p.m. to 17.02. (Mon), approx. 1.30 a.m.
  • Rail replacement bus service:
    • Bus S25: Teltow Stadt <> Südende
      • The S-Bahn station Lichterfelde Süd is not served by the replacement bus S25. Please use the bus line M85 (3 stops) between S Lichterfelde Süd and Ostpreußendamm Süd.
      • The S-Bahn station Osdorfer Straße is not served by the replacement bus S25. Please use bus lines 112 or N88 (2 stops) between S Osdorfer Straße and Ostpreußendamm/Osdorfer Straße or bus line 186 (3 stops) between Osdorfer Straße and Bogenstraße.
      • The Lankwitz S-Bahn station is not served by the replacement bus S25. Please use the bus lines M82, X83, 181, 187, 283 and 284 (1 stop) between S Lankwitz and Lankwitz Kirche.
  • Please use the timetable information before starting your journey.
Teltow Stadt <> Südende
14.02. (Fri), approx. 10 p.m. to 17.02. (Mon), approx. 1.30 a.m.
  • Rail replacement bus service:
    • Bus S25: Teltow Stadt <> Südende
      • The S-Bahn station Lichterfelde Süd is not served by the replacement bus S25. Please use the bus line M85 (3 stops) between S Lichterfelde Süd and Ostpreußendamm Süd.
      • The S-Bahn station Osdorfer Straße is not served by the replacement bus S25. Please use bus lines 112 or N88 (2 stops) between S Osdorfer Straße and Ostpreußendamm/Osdorfer Straße or bus line 186 (3 stops) between Osdorfer Straße and Bogenstraße.
      • The Lankwitz S-Bahn station is not served by the replacement bus S25. Please use the bus lines M82, X83, 181, 187, 283 and 284 (1 stop) between S Lankwitz and Lankwitz Kirche.
  • Please use the timetable information before starting your journey.
Südende <> Südkreuz
14.02. (Fri), approx. 10 p.m. to 17.02. (Mon), approx. 1.30 a.m.
  • Timetable change:
    • The S25 to Hennigsdorf and the S26 to Potsdamer Platz runs from Südende to Priestweg 2 to 3 minutes earlier, in the opposite direction the S25 and S26 from Südkreuz to Südende runs 2 to 3 minutes later.
  • Platform change:
    • In Priesterweg runs the S25 and the S26 to Südende from track 4, city inward platform.
  • Please use the timetable information before starting your journey.
Südende <> Südkreuz
14.02. (Fri), approx. 10 p.m. to 17.02. (Mon), approx. 1.30 a.m.
  • Timetable change:
    • The S25 to Hennigsdorf and the S26 to Potsdamer Platz runs from Südende to Priestweg 2 to 3 minutes earlier, in the opposite direction the S25 and S26 from Südkreuz to Südende runs 2 to 3 minutes later.
  • Platform change:
    • In Priesterweg runs the S25 and the S26 to Südende from track 4, city inward platform.
  • Please use the timetable information before starting your journey.
Constructions & disruptions 5
Ticket Offices (12)