Friends having fun outside on a summer day

School Students, Apprentice & Students

0.00 Eur

Subscription ticket for Berlin school students

Free subscription ticket for Berlin school students for tariff zone AB

from 76.80 Eur

Monthly ticket for school students

Monthly ticket for school students beyond the AB tariff zone

from 61.80 Eur

Monthly subscription ticket for school students

Subscription monthly ticket for school students in Berlin and Brandenburg

from 69.90 Eur

Monthly ticket & annual ticket apprentice

Monthly ticket for vocational trainees whose training takes place in Berlin and Brandenburg.

from 52.20 Eur

Monthly subscription ticket apprentice

Subscription monthly ticket for vocational trainees whose training takes place in Berlin and Brandenburg.


VBB subscription ticket for apprentices

Annual subs for apprentices, valid within entire VBB network (new contract no longer possible)

from 29.40 Eur

Germany Semester Ticket

Ticket for students in higher education valid throughout Germany (Deutschlandsemesterticket)

from 3.80 Eur

Group day ticket for school students

Day ticket exclusively for groups of school students.

from 17.20 Eur

VBB leisure ticket

Addition to monthly ticket held by school students and apprentices in Berlin and Brandenburg.