S-Bahn Customer Advisory Council

Independent committee for a customer-friendly S-Bahn

Alte und neue Beiratsmitglieder posieren zum Gruppenfoto vor einer runderneuerten S-Bahn der Baureihe 481
Freshly mixed: Old and new Customer Advisory Council members pose for a group photo in 2022 in front of a rebuilt class 481 S-Bahn.

In order to better learn about the interests of passengers, the S-Bahn Berlin set up a customer advisory board in October 2007 as a link between our company and its customers. As expertes, they help us sustain our long-term goal of increasing customer satisfaction.

Ein engagiertes Trio für die Interessen der Berliner Fahrgäste: Beiratssprecher Harald Voß (links) und seinen beiden Stellvertreter:innen Ramona Sahlmann und Michael Weinland.
Harald Voß was elected as the new spokesperson for the Advisory Board in 2023.

The customer advisory board consists of 25 members of in various age groups and communities who actively work for a customer-friendly S-Bahn Berlin.

We strive to keep our board diverse; members who meet regularly include pupils, students, employees, freelancers and retirees. A board membership ends after three years.


There are at least four meetings a year that focus on improving the quality, cleanliness, service, and safety of the S-Bahn. In addition, members have the opportunity to get to know the company even better. In order to better understand and discuss key topics, there are various task forces on the customer advisory board.

Task forces on the customer advisory board:

  • Passenger Information
  • Safety and Cleanliness
  • Transportation Service and Connections
  • Fares
Group photo in front of a classic Stadtbahner: The Council's 10th anniversary was celebrated at the Erkner plant in 2017.

The Customer Advisory Board represents the interests of customers by acting as a link between customers and companies. Do you have a suggestion or an idea for our customer advisory board? If so, please contact our customer service; they will forward your request to our customer advisory board. 

Please understand that the customer advisory board cannot process or solve personal concerns of customers. If you have a direct concern, our customer service is happy to advise you.