construction work

Bridge construction works

... an der Eisenbahnbrücke Knoten Marzahn, Landsberger Allee

Thursday, 04.07.2024
Friday, 05.07.2024

Affected train traffic

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This construction measure is taken into account in the Journey Planner

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Wartenberg <> Springpfuhl

Night 04./05.07. (Thu/Fri), approx. 9.45 p.m. - 1.30 a.m.
Shuttle Service
  • Rail replacement bus service:
    • Bus S75: Wartenberg <> Springpfuhl
  • Please use the timetable information before starting your journey.
Station in the / on the Stop like
S Springpfuhl | Allee der Kosmonauten | replacement stop on the bridge
S Gehrenseestraße | Gehrenseestraße | Bus 294, „S Gehrenseestraße.“
S Hohenschönhausen | Egon-Erwin-Kisch-Straße | Bus 256, N56 „Grevesmühlener Straße“, in direction Wartenberg
S Hohenschönhausen | Falkenberger Chaussee | replacement stop, in direction Springpfuhl
S Wartenberg | Egon-Erwin-Kisch-Straße | Bus 256, N56 „S Wartenberg“
  • The transport of bicycles, strollers and wheelchairs is only possible within the scope of available capacities, prams and wheelchairs have priority.
  • Please purchase your tickets before starting your journey. Unfortunately, it is not possible to purchase tickets on the buses.