Train Station Facilities

The stations division of DB InfraGo offers a comprehensive range of facilities at all stations in Berlin and the surrounding regions.

The S-Bahn Berlin GmbH sees itself as a mobility service provider for all Berliners and guests of the city. More than 90 percent of our S-Bahn stations are accessible for disabled people via ramps or lifts.
Many train stations now have services for the visually impaired, and at busy train stations, escalators are available for the physically disabled. For an updated list of facilities at various train stations, please refer to the respective station pages.

Accessible Travel with the S-Bahn

Here you can get more information about mobility aids at the station!

Each S-Bahn station has a system of signs directing passengers to entrances, exits, transportation, and service facilities. For replacement bus services, there is a temporary guide system in the form of signs and red foot prints on the ground. In addition, you will find construction notices and maps in the glass cases.

Further information about the guide system

Ticket machines that display information about current fares can be found at every station. For personal assistance, we offer over 60 service and sales facilities that are distributed throughout the S-Bahn network. Find out more about our service and sales facilities.

Woman enter in a poinst of sale and ticket vending
An den Automaten können Sie schnell und einfach Ihr Ticket kaufen.
Quickly and easily purchase your ticket at one of our many ticket machines.

Emergency equipment and warnings, to ensure passenger safety, are clearly visible on all platforms. The end of the platforms are also marked. In the trains, there are emergency facilities such as an emergency brake, fire extinguisher, and first aid kit. A tritone sounds and the red signal lamp illuminates before the train doors close.

Bitte steigen Sie nach dem Aufleuchten der Lampe an der Tür nicht mehr in den Zug.

Passengers are permitted to take a bike with a supplementary bike ticket in the S-Bahn.

Information about bikes on board

Bicycle parking facilities are also available at numerous stations in Berlin and the surroundings.

An vielen Bahnhöfen haben Sie die Möglichkeit Ihr Fahrrad abzustellen.
Trains at the station Bornholmer Straße

Rules of Conduct

What’s allowed and what’s not?


Rail Stations

There are 168 S-Bahn stations in the Berlin metropolitan area and in Brandenburg. Click here for an overview!

Zwei Begleitpersonen und eine Rollstuhlfahrerin warten auf den Einstieg in den Zug

VBB-Guide Service

A complimentary pick-up and drop-off service for bus and train tours.