Information at the Train Stations

You can find information about departure/arrival times and fares at the train stations

Digital displays list the next departure times as well as the train route.

A bold-font ticker on the display board informs passengers where and when construction work is being done on the line and if a detour is necessary

Information Features on the LCD Display Boards

In addition to displaying service routes and train destinations, electronic display boards also inform passengers about primary stops on the line, and the arrival of the next train.

Electronic display boards also provide information about the length of a train: the trapezoidal symbols below the minutes indicate the number of passenger cars.

Furthermore, announcements over the loudspeakers are made.

More about information and traffic technology

The showcases at the stations are bulletin boards that display the route network, departure times, maps, construction zones, and other notices. Construction notices are hung to provide information about the duration of the construction projects as well as service route interruptions and transfers.

You will find timetables and construction notices hanging inside the showcases.
Signs and notices boards are placed around the stations in advance to inform passengers about forthcoming large-scale construction projects.
Woman enter in a poinst of sale and ticket vending

Sales Outlets

Customer service representatives are available to answer your questions.

An den Automaten können Sie schnell und einfach Ihr Ticket kaufen.

Ticket Machines

At the ticket machine, you will also find maps, information about the fares, and the conditions of transportation.

Mobile Options

Access information quickly and easily through our mobile website!