Vandalism - please get in touch with us!

Graffiti, broken windows, cut-up upholstery - our trains and S-Bahn stations are repeatedly affected by malicious destruction. If you observe such an act, please get in touch with us.

Up to 1.000 EUR reward for information leading to the identification and prosecution of perpetrators!

Helpful hints can be given at the following telephone numbers:

•    German Federal Police Berlin: Telephone: +49 (800) 6 888 000 (free of charge)
•    Security Operations Center of S-Bahn Berlin: +49 (30) 297 51114
•    also at the nearest police authority


Window replacement after vandalism
Two employees are needed to change a window pane

Damage to property is not a trivial offence! Every year we have to spend several million euros to eliminate incurred damages due to vandalism and graffitis.

Especially scratched windows, cut up seat upholstery as well as interior and exterior graffitis cause us serious problems. On average, we have to replace approximately 3,000 train windows due to damages every year. In addition, there are a further 6,200 seat cushions that have to be changed due to vandalism. Graffitis over a total area of more than 180,000 square meters need to be removed - the equivalent of round about 25 soccer fields! Each exchanged train window causes extra costs in the amount of 600 €, the curved front window of a train even 4,200 €. A new seat upholstery entails costs of 85 EUR, and the replacement of an entire seat bench 1022 EUR.

In order to prevent vandalism damages we are using a scratch protection at passengers window pane, a special laquer finish for exterior and interior and a monitoring system for removal of fire extinguishers. We're also testing various technologies such as thermal imaging cameras and acoustic sensors to protect our trains against unauthorized access in facilities and outdoor areas of our maintenance depots.


In addition to criminal prosecution of the perpetrators, we also enforce our claims for damages under civil law. Whoever gets caught has to pay for the resulting damage.

For example, a student who has been proven to have caused a damage of 3,500 EUR, pays a monthly rate to pay off his debts.


Waste and garbage makes our passengers feel uncomfortable. We want to prevent that from happening.

In order to remove waste and dirt even more quickly and efficiently, we look forward to receiving your comments via short messanger WhatsApp.

This is how it works!