Report Trash and Grime via WhatsApp
If you see trash in our trains or stations, report it easily and quickly via WhatsApp

Trust us anytime with the dirty things:
- Send us a WhatsApp message to the following number: 0157 923 628 36.
Please specify your message with the name of the train station and your current position or the train vehicle number (see photos below). A photo will help us to locate the grime more efficiently. - You will then receive a confirmation that your message has been forwarded to our cleaning team.
- Upon request, you will receive further information after elimination of the trash or grime you have reported.
- Finally, we would be pleased if you rate our services. Your opinion matters to us.
1 "Send a message" can only be used with your mobile phone
Privacy policy DB Reiniger
The protection of your personal data is important to us. With regard to the protection of your personal rights in the processing and use of this information, please read the following points and how you can object to the use of your data.
Not a WhatsApp user?
But would still like to report trash and grime in trains and stations?
No problem - our customer service will gladly accept your call and forward it to our cleaning teams, anytime.
Our customer service is 24/7 available on the number: +49 (30) 297 - 43333
Up to 1.000 EUR reward: Report vandalism!
Graffities, broken window panes, cut-up seat upholstery - our trains and stations are repeatedly affected by wanton destruction.
Report vandalism when you observe such an act! Get a reward of up to 1.000 EUR for information that leads to the identification and prosecution of perpetrators!
Further information and contacts