For all public transport services (S-Bahn, U-Bahn, regional train, tram, ferry, bus)
Valid in the entire VBB network (states of Berlin and Brandenburg).
Issued with validity from any day. It is valid until midnight on the day of the following month that precedes the first day of validity. For cards valid from 30 or 31 January, the period of validity ends at the end of the last day of February.
Monday-Friday, from 2pm-3am of the following day.
All day on Saturday, Sunday, public holidays and school holidays in Berlin and Brandenburg.
During school holidays from summer until Easter of the following year.
Valid only in conjunction with an existing main ticket (monthly ticket, annual ticket, subscription or a valid school student ticket).
Is only valid together with an existing main ticket (monthly ticket, annual ticket, subscriptions or a valid student ticket). The main ticket must be carried on the journey and presented at the ticket examination. Before the start of the journey you must enter the designated field of the VBB-Freizeit-Ticket:
the customer number of the VBB customer card,
the last four digits (including the check digit) of the chipcard
must be registered.
For all school students and apprentices who already have a monthly ticket, annual ticket, annual subscription or valid school student's ticket.
Anyone who wants to transport a bicycle must buy a bicycle ticket that matches their ticket type.
Dogs do not need a ticket.
Animals the size of a domestic cat and smaller do not need a ticket.
The holder can transport luggage for free.
The holder can transport wheelchairs or prams/buggies for free.
This information is valid per ticket and person. Detailed information is available in the terms and conditions of carriage for the VBB tariff system.
Fare zones
The tariff area of the Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB) includes the federal state of Berlin and the state of Brandenburg with its administrative districts and independent cities of Brandenburg, Cottbus, Frankfurt (Oder) and Potsdam.
Berlin and the surrounding regions are divided into fare zones a, b and c gegliedert.
Fare zone Berlin a includes the city center of Berlin, including the S-Bahn-Ring.
Fare zone Berlin b begins outside the S-Bahn ring and reaches to the city limits.
Fare zone Berlin c includes both the outskirts of Berlin and the city of Potsdam.