Reasons for Construction

An overview of restrictions in the service schedule due to construction projects.

Track work and rail switch construction in Grunewald
Track work and rail switch construction in Grunewald

Several companies with highly specialized teams are at work to ensure our red and yellow vehicles are in top shape for service. Among other things, the S-Bahn Berlin maintains the vehicle fleet, while the DB InfraGo - Stations division (Geschäftsbereich Personenbahnhöfe) is responsible for the construction and operation, as well as the maintenance and production of stations. The tracks, the switches and the signals of the S-Bahn Berlin – which, in addition to the track systems and crossings, includes the Electronic Interlocking System (ESTW) and signal boxes – are cared for by the DB InfraGo - Tracks division (Geschäftsbereich Fahrweg). Regular maintenance and repair work is needed to keep the 340-kilometer network in excellent condition.

Whether it be station repairs, track replacement, or the installation of the train control system (ZBS), these construction projects are planned well in advance in order for them to work collectively. The construction companies work hand in hand with us to minimize any burdens on our passengers.

We like to keep out construction projects in the "background" of the average commuting day; however, despite all our efforts to do so, at times they take on a considerable presence.

Graphs of the necessary track work: there is more to the complex S-Bahn system than just trains and passengers.

Minor maintenance work

Major maintenance work



Nature conservation


Total track closures versus service breaks

Carrying out several construction projects in the same time frame

The screens at the stations will inform you of the arrival of the next trains.

Information and Transportation Technology

Service and safety through state-of-the-art technology

Police at the scene can lead to disruptions in service operation.

Reasons for Disruptions

What causes disruptions and constraints at the S-Bahn?

Work on the tracks

Disruptions and Construction Work

Here you can find a list of disruptions and construction zones