Route Maps
Current route maps of suburban and underground trains, regional trains and trams.
Route networks for download
- 15.12.2024 (199 KB) Current VBB-Route-Network: Berlin ABC, publisher BVG/S-Bahn/VBB
- 15.12.2024 (179 KB) Current VBB-Route-Network: city center, publisher BVG/S-Bahn/VBB
- 15.12.2024 (441 KB) Regional train traffic incl. Plus-Bus, Publisher VBB
- 15.12.2024 (206 KB) Tram, publisher BVG
- 15.12.2024 (18 MB) Night line network
- 07.11.2023 (6 MB) Bus route network
For more route maps, please visit the VBB website.
All information without guarantee.
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